Well worth the 18 minute coffee or tea break to watch this video!
Lissa Rankin, MD is a physician and New York Times bestselling author of
"Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself", and
the founder of Dr. Lissa Rankin's Whole Health Medicine Institute
training program for physicians and other health care providers. She was
featured on the public television special Heal Yourself: Mind Over
Medicine, and will soon appear in a documentary film about her work.
Dr. Rankin is on a grassroots mission to heal healthcare by repairing
the doctor-patient relationship, while empowering both patients and
health care providers to marry the best of Western medicine with
mind-body approaches scientifically proven to activate the body's
natural self-repair mechanisms.
Regardless of what religion you are or what your religious leaders tell you to do with your children, the fact that is glaringly over looked by the vast majority of those debating male circumcision from a religious point of view is:
The original Judaic practice of male circumcision was a blood letting ritual! A very small cut was made at the end of the infant male's foreskin to allow a drop of blood to seal the blood covenant. That is it! The practice of modern circumcision that removes the ENTIRE foreskin is something that was invented just in the past 100 years!!!! Seriously people!
Even the tiniest cut for a blood ritual is personally barbaric to me, but regardless, people really need to stop equating Circumcision = Religion, because the inhumane crimes that are being perpetuated on infant boys has NOTHING to do with Religion!
Circumcision divide between Denmark and Israel
Denmark may soon be the first country in the world to issue a
ban on non-therapeutic circumcision of boys. Meanwhile, Israel tries
hard to block changes that are broadly perceived in Europe as a clear
step forward in children's human rights.
A new resolution on circumcision will be discussed at the Council of Europe on Monday (Photo: Colourbox)
January 24, 2014 10:34
by Morten Frisch
In two fresh statements, Danish
doctors express deep concern over ritual circumcision of boys. The
Danish Society of Family Physicians, whose 3,000 members include two
thirds of all general practitioners in Denmark, announced in December
that circumcision of underage boys with no proper medical indication is
nothing short of mutilation. In a separate statement, the overarching Danish Medical Association
recommended earlier this week that non-therapeutic male circumcision
should wait until the boy or young man is old enough to provide informed
consent. An editorial in Jyllands-Posten,
the second largest national newspaper in Denmark, urged the Danish
government yesterday to ban ritual circumcision of underage boys, and a
result poll among readers of BT, another large national newspaper, showed that 87 percent of well over 26,000 votes were in favour of such a ban.
Not surprisingly, Israel has a quite different view on this matter.
In December 2013, an Israeli delegation of Knesset politicians travelled
to Paris in an attempt to overturn a visionary, human rights-based
resolution that was passed by a comfortable majority of the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on 1 October
2013. The PACE resolution 1952
recommends that member states start moving towards abolishing all kinds
of physical assaults on children, including non-therapeutic
circumcision of boys and girls. The Council of Europe is the continent’s
leading human rights organization with a current total of 47 member states,
each of which has signed the European Convention of Human Rights.
Israel is neither a member, nor has it signed the European Convention of
Human Rights but, since 1957, Israel has held observer status in the Council of Europe.
In the Israeli media, readers have repeatedly been told that the
widely-held European stance against ritual circumcision is rooted partly
in anti-Semitism, and partly in fear of an expanding Muslim population
in Europe.
Such anti-religious rhetoric is unjustified. The vast majority of
Europe’s opponents of ritual circumcision are religiously tolerant, but
consider cutting off an important part of a non-consenting, healthy
child’s genitals to be contrary to modern ethics. This view was clearly
expressed in September 2013 in a common statement of the ombudsmen and
spokespersons for children in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland and Denmark.
To most Europeans circumcision is an ethically problematic ritual that
is intrinsically harmful to children: every child has the right to
protection of his or her bodily integrity and the right to explore and
enjoy his or her undiminished sexual capacity later in life.
Infant circumcision’s negative long-term impact on human sexuality
has been recognized by Jewish authorities for ages. Scholars like Philo
of Alexandria (appr. 20 BC - 50 AD) and Moses Maimonides (1135-1204)
knew well that reduced penile sensitivity was not an unfortunate side
effect of the brit milah; rather it was part of the point: to diminish the animalistic sexuality of men. It takes more than a strongly media-promoted literature review
by the world’s leading circumcision advocate, Brian Morris of Sydney
University, to eradicate the bulk of scientific evidence and several
thousands of years of knowledge. Circumcision ablates the most sensitive
part of a boy’s penis and thereby diminishes his sexual sensitivity for
the rest of his life.
In October 2013, the Nordic Association of Clinical Sexologists stated
that the bodily injury associated with circumcision is a violation of
the boy’s sexual autonomy.
The head of the Israeli circumcision delegation, Reuven Rivlin
(Likud Beytenu), has repeatedly referred to a series of highly
questionable benefits from circumcision. His source of information is a
2012 policy paper on the topic by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
However, Rivlin has unfailingly forgotten to inform readers that this
policy paper has been seriously criticized for cultural bias by
pediatric societies, general medical associations and 38 medical
professors, doctors and researchers from 17 countries across Europe and Canada.
Unlike their US colleagues, European doctors do not accept the
postulated health benefits of circumcision as being well-documented,
including the claimed reduction in risks of urinary tract infections,
sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and penile cancer. And,
importantly, even if the claims were valid, they would still not
constitute a compelling argument for circumcising boys before an age at
which they can make the decision themselves. Moreover, while parents are
generally told that circumcision is a safe and painless procedure, the
truth is that no available local anesthetic is able to provide pain
relief, but only some level of pain reduction, and even the most
efficient method has a failure rate
of six to eight percent. Additionally, a non-trivial proportion of boys
– five percent according to a recent Danish study - will experience
significant procedural or post-operative complications, even when the
operation is carried out by experienced pediatric surgeons in a
university hospital.
In rare instances, complications can be fatal. This little-heard of,
but well-known fact is the humane Talmudic reason for permitting Jewish
parents to forgo circumcision of their son if two older brothers died as
a result of the procedure.
On January 27, a motion for a new resolution,
conceived by the Knesset’s circumcision delegation to marginalize the
recently passed PACE resolution, will be discussed in the Bureau of the
Council of Europe. If successful, it will lead to a new debate and a
new vote in the Parliamentary Assembly during the spring of 2014.
Hopefully, the Bureau of the Council of Europe will have the resolve to
stand up for children’s rights, despite this pressure.....
European Council Condemns Male Circumcision as Human Rights Violation
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has condemned male circumcision as a human rights violation.
A report by the Council said male circumcision for religious reasons
was "particularly worrisome", with the procedure being "increasingly
"Even within religious communities, an increasing number of people
have started questioning traditional but harmful practices and looking
for alternatives," lead author Marlene Rupprecht wrote.
"Having explored this issue in detail during the recent legislative
debate in my own country, Germany, I would like to show why circumcision
applied to young boys clearly is a human rights violation against
children, although it is so widely performed both in the medical and in
the religious context."
The report notes that there is some evidence supporting circumcision,
such as a reduction on HIV transmission. However, it goes on to
highlight the dangers of the practice.
"There is evidence that unprofessional circumcisions may cause
infections, organ curvatures, perforated urethra and, finally,
additional operations, whilst even wrongly applied bandages can have
severe consequences such as necrotic tissue and other irreversible
damage. Some of the complications are regularly fatal.
"I wish to conclude that - according to the current state of medical
knowledge - the operation is not as innocuous as many used to or
continue to believe, but may have serious short-term and long-term
consequences for the health and well-being of boys and men.
Dismiss religious freedom
"Although it has been practised for thousands of years, it should
therefore be strongly questioned today, both in the medical and the
religious context. Alternatives do exist and should be promoted wherever
possible: if circumcision seems to be indicated for medical reasons,
its necessity should be closely examined on a case-by-case basis; in the
religious context, families should be systematically made aware of the
risks of the procedure and be provided with full information on the
The council debated the report and overwhelmingly determined that
non-medical circumcision is "a violation of the physical integrity of
It called for all 47 member states to "initiate a public debate,
including intercultural and interreligious dialogue, aimed at reaching a
large consensus on the rights of children to protection against
violations of their physical integrity according to human rights
However, religious groups have questioned the Council's decision to condemn circumcision for faith-based reasons.
Jewish campaign group Milah UK told JTA: "Although the adoption of
this report is non-binding and does not represent any direct threat to
milah, we are troubled at the readiness of the Parliamentary Assembly to
dismiss the points made during the debate about religious freedom."
By: L. Femine
Narcoplexy, the root word meaning “numbness,” “stupor,” “attack” or
“seizure” is a neurological disorder. The brain is unable to distinguish
wakefulness from sleep. People afflicted with it suddenly fall asleep,
although it is not really related to insomnia.
A flu vaccine called Pandemrix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline,
caused a severe outbreak of narcoplexy in 2009-10; the drug was intended
to cure the Swine Flu pandemic. However, what happened instead, aside
from this illness, were panic attacks, hallucinations and loss of muscle
control – caused by strong emotion. It tends to be life-long and
therefore, ruins lives.
A massive public campaign was mounted to promote the vaccine and then
the pandemic never actually occurred. But there were 795 cases of
narcoplexy, all children, in the mass vaccinations in Finland and
Later it was discovered that Vitamin D protected children against
influenza while the vaccine was basically ineffective – except for later
causing the wave of narcoplexy.
The Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare , in 2001,
admitted there indeed was a connection between Pandemrix and the
incidences of narcoplexy. They agreed to compensate the families of all
the children affected while Sweden has not yet complied.
GlazoSmithKline did not fully admit to the connection and stated they
would do more research, though they accept the statistical evidence of
the link.
The key ingredient that apparently caused the illness is an adjuvant
(enhancer) called AS03, meant to boost the immune system. However,
according to neurologist Markku Partine at the Helsinki Sleep Clinic, it
appears to have been too potent. He said the ingredient caused an
adverse reaction instead of an enhancement of the immune system because
it was too powerful.
Since then, studies in Britain, Sweden, Finland and Ireland concluded
the risk of narcoplexy is 13 times higher for children who were given
One report from Finland in 2011 says children receiving the swine flu
vaccine were 900 percent more likely to develop narcoplexy.
Goran Stiernstedt, a Swedish doctor, said the millions of vaccinations resulted in between “…30 and 60 people from Swine Flu death with more than 200 cases of narcolepsy reported since 2009.”
This makes it fairly certain that this flu vaccine caused Narcoplexy
in children. Further, there is really no telling what other effects may
emerge in the future – whether in children or adults.
In 2009, GlaxoSmithKline struck a deal with Sweden, Finland, Norway
and Iceland in their contract to provide Pandemrix which included no
liability for the drug manufacturer in the event of any side effects.
According to Natural News, it was revealed in 2010 that drug
companies influenced the World Health Federation to push a pandemic so
they could promote the vaccines.
In Feb 2013, it was reported that Emmanuel Mignot, expert on
narcoplexy who also happened to be funded by GlaxoSmith Kline to
investigate the mass occurrence of the illness, said Pandemrix is
definitely responsible for causing it in Europe.
Generally, these vaccines include not just the overpowering adjuvant,
AS03, but also bacteria, chemicals, animal by-products and heavy
metals. Before having these vaccines shot into your arm, it’s a good
idea to read the inserts before possibly putting your health or life at
Although Pandemrix is no longer being administered to those under 20
years of age, it is still being prescribed for adults. In fact AS03 was
approved by the FDA last year for vaccinations which is the first time
an adjuvant has been approved in the US.
It is important to know the facts and read investigative reports in
order to judge the merits of vaccinations, especially for young
children. Narcoplexy is just one possible result caused by flu vaccines.
Come to think of it, this artificially-induced narcoplexy is pretty similar to psychotropic drug reactions, isn’t it?
Please click HERE to watch the video and read the Sources
Chlorpropham... ever heard of it? I
certainly hadn't until I watched this awesome video put together by a
5th grader. Elise tells the story of her project about sweet potatoes,
and her effort to get one to sprout..... and what she learned about the
chemical Chlorpropham that is sprayed on a lot of vegetables and fruit
to stop them from sprouting...
Now, we all know about the evil
of GMOs and pesticides, but have you ever heard of this chemical
Chlorpropham? I certainly had never heard of it before! So I decided
to do just a little bit of research - and I mean a very little bit,
because page one of Google search on Chlorpropham provided me with all
the info I really needed.
Chlorpropham is a plant growth regulator used for preemergence control
of grass weeds in alfalfa, lima and snap beans, blueberries, cane berries,
carrots, cranberries, ladino clover, garlic, seed grass, onions, spinach,
sugar beets, tomatoes, safflower, soybeans, gladioli and woody nursery stock.
It is also used to inhibit potato sprouting and for sucker control in tobacco
(1). Chlorpropham is available in emulsifiable concentrate and liquid
Chlorpropham is moderately toxic by ingestion (2). It may cause
irritation of the eyes or skin (2). Symptoms of poisoning in laboratory
animals have included listlessness, incoordination, nose bleeds, protruding
eyes, bloody tears, difficulty in breathing, prostration, inability to
urinate, high fevers, and death. Autopsies of animals have shown
inflammation of the stomach and intestinal lining, congestion of the brain,
lungs and other organs, and degenerative changes in the kidneys and liver
While many many people who participate in the vaccine debate tend to hyper focus on Mercury as the "great evil" of vaccines, the reality is that Mercury is only one small portion of the problem. A few years ago I had an email conversation with Dr. Bob Sears about Aluminum which is in almost every vaccine. He pointed out that depending on which brands of vaccine were being used, an infant could receive several times the daily maximum amount of Aluminum for an ADULT.
If you have any questions about vaccines and their safety, you should start by thoroughly researching and investigating every single ingredient that is in vaccine cocktails. Don't even focus on "Autism", just review the litany of side effects of the ingredients separately.
For those who are visual learners....
22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism
Concerns regarding vaccinations continue to increase exponentially in light of all of the information and documentation that has surfaced over the past few years. As a result, corporate media has responded to alternative media, stating that the increase of persons who are choosing to opt out of vaccines and the recommended vaccine schedule is a result of ‘fear mongering.’
This may not be too surprising as the corporate media is owned by the major vaccine manufacturers, and the major vaccine manufacturers are owned by corporate media(1)(2)(3)(4). Given this fact, it’s easy to fathom the possibility that these institutions are desperately trying to protect the reputation of their product.
For example, if we take a look at GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer, they are owned by the same financial institutions and groups that own Time Warner (CNN, HBO etc.) and General Electric (NBC, Comcast, Universal Pictures etc.).(1)(2)(3)(4) This is seen throughout all of the major vaccine manufacturers and all of the 6 corporations that control our mainstream media. Keep in mind that these are the major funders of all ‘medical research’ that’s used to administer drugs and vaccinations. Despite these connections, medical research and documentation exists to show that vaccines might indeed be a cause for concern.
Vaccines and Autism, Both Sides of The Coin
Here we will simply present information from both sides of the coin because many are not even aware that two sides exist. We’ve presented multiple studies, citing multiple research papers and published research conducted by doctors and universities from all across the world. Here is an example of a paper that describes how vaccine manufactures and medical ‘experts’ with drug industry connections have been aware of the multiple dangers associated with vaccinations for over 30 years. We’d also like to present medical research that indicates the many dangers associated with vaccines, and have done this on multiple occasions. We do this because the safety of vaccinations is commonly pushed by the mainstream media, without ever mentioning or citing the abundant medical research that should also be taken into consideration when discussing vaccinations. Please keep in mind that there is evidence on both sides. At the same time, some of the evidence on the side that negates a positive outlook on vaccination has been labelled fraudulent, but then again many haven’t.
The vaccine-autism debate has been going on for years. It has been a tale of shifting beliefs as child vaccination rates remain high. On February 1998, Andrew Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist and his colleagues published a paper that supposedly linked Autism to Vaccines(5). More specifically, he claimed that the MMR vaccine was responsible for intestinal inflammation that led to translocation of usually non-permeable peptides to the bloodstream and, subsequently, to the brain, where they affected development(5). His work was unpublished, and he lost his medical license despite the fact multiple studies seem to support Andrew Wakefield’s work (here is one example, and here is another.) He has been labelled a fraud by the mainstream medical world, some experts claim that his research and methods are weak and based on very little evidence. Dr Wakefield’s research will NOT be used in this article.
At the same time I must mention that multiple studies from around the world have concluded that there is no link between Autism and the MMR Vaccine(5). It can become quite confusing a subject given that we have multiple medical studies contradicting each other. Was Dr. Wakefield exposing something that the medical industry did not want you to know? It is known that vaccine manufacturers suppress harmful data regarding their product, as mentioned and illustrated earlier in the article. Regardless of the MMR vaccine and autism debate, there are still a number of studies that link vaccines to a possible autism connection. Please keep in mind that multiple courts worldwide have ruled in favour of vaccines causing autism, brain damage and other complications (6)(7), that include the MMR vaccine.
Below is a list of 22 medical studies that show possible connections to vaccines and autism. Please keep in mind that we’ve only presented 22 studies here, there are many more published papers that document the link. Hopefully this inspires you to further your research on the subject. Also keep in mind that Autism is only one of the multiple shown consequences of vaccine administration, as they have been linked to a number of other ailments.
1. A study published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology has shown that giving the Hepatitis B vaccine to newborn baby boys could triple the risk of developing an autism spectrum disorder compared to boys who were not vaccinated as neonates. The research was conducted at Stony Brook University Medical Center, NY.
2. A study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry by researchers at the Neural Dynamics Group, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Columbia determined that Aluminum, a highly neurotoxic metal and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant may be a significant contributing factor to the rising prevalence of ASD in the Western World. They showed that the correlation between ASD prevalence and the Aluminum adjuvant exposure appears to be the highest at 3-4 months of age. The studies also show that children from countries with the highest ASD appear to have a much higher exposure to Aluminum from vaccines. The study points out that several prominent milestones of brain development coincide with major vaccination periods for infants. These include the onset of synaptogenesis (birth), maximal growth velocity of the hippocampus and the onset of amygdala maturation. Furthermore, major developmental transition in many bio-behavioral symptoms such as sleep, temperature regulation, respiration and brain wave patterns, all of which are regulated by the neuroendocrine network. Many of these aspects of brain function are known to be impaired in autism, such as sleeping and brain wave patterns.
According to the FDA, vaccines represent a special category of drugs as they are generally given to healthy individuals. Further according to the FDA, “this places significant emphasis on their vaccine safety”. While the FDA does set an upper limit for Aluminum in vaccines at no more that 850/mg/dose, it is important to note that this amount was selected empirically from data showing that Aluminum in such amounts enhanced the antigenicity of the vaccine, rather than from existing safety. Given that the scientific evidence appears to indicate that vaccine safety is not as firmly established as often believed, it would seem ill advised to exclude paediatric vaccinations as a possible cause of adverse long-term neurodevelopment outcomes , including those associated with autism.
3. A study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues by the Department of Economics and Finance at the University of New York shows how researchers suspect one or more environmental triggers are needed to develop autism, regardless of whether individuals have a genetic predisposition or not. They determined that one of those triggers might be the “battery of vaccinations that young children receive.” Researchers found a positive and statistically significant relationship between autism and vaccinations. They determined that the higher the proportion of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher the prevalence of autism. A 1 % increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children having autism. The results suggest that vaccines may be linked to autism and encourages more in depth study before continually administering these vaccines.
4. A study published in the Journal of Toxicology by the Department of Neurosurgery at The Methodist Neurological Institute in Houston has shown that ASD is a disorder caused by a problem in brain development. They looked at B-cells and their sensitivity levels to thimerosal, a commonly used additive in many vaccines. They determined that ASD patients have a heightened sensitivity to thimerosal which would restrict cell proliferation that is typically found after vaccination. The research shows that individuals who have this hypersensitivity to thimerosal could make them highly susceptible to toxins like thimerosal, and that individuals with a mild mitochondrial defect may be affected by thimerosal. The fact that ASD patients’ B cells exhibit hypersensitivity to thimerosal tells us something.
5. A study published in the Journal of Biomedical Sciences determined that the autoimmunity to the central nervous system may play a causal role in autism. Researchers discovered that because many autistic children harbour elevated levels of measles antibodies, they should conduct a serological study of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and myelin basic protein (MBP) autoantibodies. They used serum samples of 125 autistic children and 92 controlled children. Their analysis showed a significant increase in the level of MMR antibodies in autistic children. The study concludes that the autistic children had an inappropriate or abnormal antibody response to MMR. The study determined that autism could be a result from an atypical measles infection that produces neurological symptoms in some children. The source of this virus could be a variant of MV, or it could be the MMR vaccine.
6. Study published in the Annals of Clinical Psychiatry suggests that Autism is likely triggered by a virus, and that measles virus (MV and/or MMR vaccine) might be a very good candidate. It supports the hypothesis that a virus-dincued autoimmune response may play a causal role in autism.
7. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition determined that an increased vulnerability to oxidative stress and decreased capacity for methylation may contribute to the development and clinical manifestation of autism. It’s well known that viral infections cause increased oxidative stress. Research suggests that metals, including those found in many vaccines are directly involved in increasing oxidative stress.
8. A study published by the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Northeastern University, Boston determined that a novel growth factor signalling pathway that regulates methionine synthase(MS) activity and thereby modulates methylation reactions. The potent inhibition of this pathway by ethanol, lead, mercury, aluminum and thimerosal suggests that it may be an important target of neurodevelopmental toxins. You can read more about this here, and here. You can read more about the MS/autism link here.
9. A study published in the Journal of Child Neurology examined the question of what is leading to the apparent increase in autism. They expressed that if there is any link between autism and mercury, it is crucial that the first reports of the question are not falsely stating that no link occurs. Researchers determined that a significant relation does exist between the blood levels of mercury and the diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder.
10. A study published in the Journal of Child Neurology noted that autistic spectrum disorders can be associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Researchers determined that children who have mitochondrial-related dysfunctional cellular energy metabolism might be more prone to undergo autistic regression between 18 and 30 months of age if they also have infections or immunizations at the same time.
11. A study conducted by Massachusetts General Hospital at the Centre for Morphometric Analysis by the department of Paediatric Neurology illustrates how autistic brains have a growth spurt shortly after birth and then slow in growth a few short years later. Researchers have determined that neuroinflammation appears to be present in autistic brain tissue from childhood through adulthood. The study excerpt reads:
Oxidative stress, brain inflammation and microgliosis have been much documented in association with toxic exposures including various heavy metals. The awareness that the brain as well as medical conditions of children with autism may be conditioned by chronic biomedical abnormalities such as inflammation opens the possibility that meaningful biomedical interventions may be possible well past the window of maximal neuroplasticity in early childhood because the basis for assuming that all deficits can be attributed to fixed early developmental alterations in net.
12. A study conducted by the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Arkansas determined that thimerosal-induced cytotoxicity was associated with the depletion of intracellular glutathione (GSH) in both cell lines. The study outlines how many vaccines have been neurotoxic, especially to the developing brain. Depletion of GSH is commonly associated with autism. Although thimerosal has been removed from most children’s vaccines, it is still present in flu vaccines given to pregnant women, the elderly and to children in developing countries.
regarding vaccinations continue to increase exponentially in light of
all of the information and documentation that has surfaced over the past
few years. As a result, corporate media has responded to alternative
media, stating that the increase of persons who are choosing to opt out
of vaccines and the recommended vaccine schedule is a result of ‘fear
This may not be too surprising as the corporate media is owned by the
major vaccine manufacturers, and the major vaccine manufacturers are
owned by corporate media(1)(2)(3)(4).
Given this fact, it’s easy to fathom the possibility that these
institutions are desperately trying to protect the reputation of their
For example, if we take a look at GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer, they
are owned by the same financial institutions and groups that own Time
Warner (CNN, HBO etc.) and General Electric (NBC, Comcast, Universal
Pictures etc.).(1)(2)(3)(4) This is seen throughout all of the major
vaccine manufacturers and all of the 6 corporations that control our
mainstream media. Keep in mind that these are the major funders of all
‘medical research’ that’s used to administer drugs and vaccinations.
Despite these connections, medical research and documentation exists to
show that vaccines might indeed be a cause for concern.
Vaccines and Autism, Both Sides of The Coin
Here we will simply present information from both sides of the coin
because many are not even aware that two sides exist. We’ve presented
multiple studies, citing multiple research papers and published research
conducted by doctors and universities from all across the world. Here is
an example of a paper that describes how vaccine manufactures and
medical ‘experts’ with drug industry connections have been aware of the
multiple dangers associated with vaccinations for over 30 years. We’d
also like to present medical research that indicates the many dangers
associated with vaccines, and have done this on multiple occasions. We
do this because the safety of vaccinations is commonly pushed by the
mainstream media, without ever mentioning or citing the abundant medical
research that should also be taken into consideration when discussing
vaccinations. Please keep in mind that there is evidence on both sides.
At the same time, some of the evidence on the side that negates a
positive outlook on vaccination has been labelled fraudulent, but then
again many haven’t.
The vaccine-autism debate has been going on for years. It has been a
tale of shifting beliefs as child vaccination rates remain high. On
February 1998, Andrew Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist and his
colleagues published a paper that supposedly linked Autism to Vaccines(5).
More specifically, he claimed that the MMR vaccine was responsible for
intestinal inflammation that led to translocation of usually
non-permeable peptides to the bloodstream and, subsequently, to the
brain, where they affected development(5). His work was unpublished, and
he lost his medical license despite the fact multiple studies seem to
support Andrew Wakefield’s work (here is one example, and here is
another.) He has been labelled a fraud by the mainstream medical world,
some experts claim that his research and methods are weak and based on
very little evidence. Dr Wakefield’s research will NOT be used in this
At the same time I must mention that multiple studies from around the
world have concluded that there is no link between Autism and the MMR
Vaccine(5). It can become quite confusing a subject given that we have
multiple medical studies contradicting each other. Was Dr. Wakefield
exposing something that the medical industry did not want you to know?
It is known that vaccine manufacturers suppress harmful data regarding
their product, as mentioned and illustrated earlier in the article.
Regardless of the MMR vaccine and autism debate, there are still a
number of studies that link vaccines to a possible autism connection.
Please keep in mind that multiple courts worldwide have ruled in favour
of vaccines causing autism, brain damage and other complications (6)(7),
that include the MMR vaccine.
Below is a list of 22 medical studies that show possible connections
to vaccines and autism. Please keep in mind that we’ve only presented 22
studies here, there are many more published papers that document the
link. Hopefully this inspires you to further your research on the
subject. Also keep in mind that Autism is only one of the multiple shown
consequences of vaccine administration, as they have been linked to a
number of other ailments.
1. A study published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology has
shown that giving the Hepatitis B vaccine to newborn baby boys could
triple the risk of developing an autism spectrum disorder compared to
boys who were not vaccinated as neonates. The research was conducted at
Stony Brook University Medical Center, NY.
2. A study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistryby
researchers at the Neural Dynamics Group, Department of Ophthalmology
and Visual Sciences at the University of British Columbia determined
that Aluminum, a highly neurotoxic metal and the most commonly used
vaccine adjuvant may be a significant contributing factor to the rising
prevalence of ASD in the Western World. They showed that the correlation
between ASD prevalence and the Aluminum adjuvant exposure appears to be
the highest at 3-4 months of age. The studies also show that children
from countries with the highest ASD appear to have a much higher
exposure to Aluminum from vaccines. The study points out that several
prominent milestones of brain development coincide with major
vaccination periods for infants. These include the onset of
synaptogenesis (birth), maximal growth velocity of the hippocampus and
the onset of amygdala maturation. Furthermore, major developmental
transition in many bio-behavioral symptoms such as sleep, temperature
regulation, respiration and brain wave patterns, all of which are
regulated by the neuroendocrine network. Many of these aspects of brain
function are known to be impaired in autism, such as sleeping and brain
wave patterns.
According to the FDA, vaccines represent a special category of drugs
as they are generally given to healthy individuals. Further according to
the FDA, “this places significant emphasis on their vaccine safety”.
While the FDA does set an upper limit for Aluminum in vaccines at no
more that 850/mg/dose, it is important to note that this amount was
selected empirically from data showing that Aluminum in such amounts
enhanced the antigenicity of the vaccine, rather than from existing
safety. Given that the scientific evidence appears to indicate that
vaccine safety is not as firmly established as often believed, it would
seem ill advised to exclude paediatric vaccinations as a possible cause
of adverse long-term neurodevelopment outcomes , including those
associated with autism.
3. A study published in theJournal of Toxicology and Environmental Health,
Part A: Current Issues by the Department of Economics and Finance at
the University of New York shows how researchers suspect one or more
environmental triggers are needed to develop autism, regardless of
whether individuals have a genetic predisposition or not. They
determined that one of those triggers might be the “battery of
vaccinations that young children receive.” Researchers found a positive
and statistically significant relationship between autism and
vaccinations. They determined that the higher the proportion of children
receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher the prevalence of
autism. A 1 % increase in vaccination was associated with an additional
680 children having autism. The results suggest that vaccines may be
linked to autism and encourages more in depth study before continually
administering these vaccines.
4. A study published in the Journal of Toxicology by
the Department of Neurosurgery at The Methodist Neurological Institute
in Houston has shown that ASD is a disorder caused by a problem in brain
development. They looked at B-cells and their sensitivity levels to
thimerosal, a commonly used additive in many vaccines. They determined
that ASD patients have a heightened sensitivity to thimerosal which
would restrict cell proliferation that is typically found after
vaccination. The research shows that individuals who have this
hypersensitivity to thimerosal could make them highly susceptible to
toxins like thimerosal, and that individuals with a mild mitochondrial
defect may be affected by thimerosal. The fact that ASD patients’ B
cells exhibit hypersensitivity to thimerosal tells us something.
5. A study published in the Journal of Biomedical Sciences determined
that the autoimmunity to the central nervous system may play a causal
role in autism. Researchers discovered that because many autistic
children harbour elevated levels of measles antibodies, they should
conduct a serological study of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and myelin
basic protein (MBP) autoantibodies. They used serum samples of 125
autistic children and 92 controlled children. Their analysis showed a
significant increase in the level of MMR antibodies in autistic
children. The study concludes that the autistic children had an
inappropriate or abnormal antibody response to MMR. The study determined
that autism could be a result from an atypical measles infection that
produces neurological symptoms in some children. The source of this
virus could be a variant of MV, or it could be the MMR vaccine.
6. Study published in the Annals of Clinical Psychiatrysuggests
that Autism is likely triggered by a virus, and that measles virus (MV
and/or MMR vaccine) might be a very good candidate. It supports the
hypothesis that a virus-dincued autoimmune response may play a causal
role in autism.
7. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition determined
that an increased vulnerability to oxidative stress and decreased
capacity for methylation may contribute to the development and clinical
manifestation of autism. It’s well known that viral infections cause
increased oxidative stress. Research suggests that metals, including those found in many vaccines are directly involved in increasing oxidative stress.
8. A study published by the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciencesat
Northeastern University, Boston determined that a novel growth factor
signalling pathway that regulates methionine synthase(MS) activity and
thereby modulates methylation reactions. The potent inhibition of this
pathway by ethanol, lead, mercury, aluminum and thimerosal suggests that
it may be an important target of neurodevelopmental toxins. You can
read more about this here, and here. You can read more about the MS/autism link here.
9. A study published in the Journal of Child Neurology examined
the question of what is leading to the apparent increase in autism.
They expressed that if there is any link between autism and mercury, it
is crucial that the first reports of the question are not falsely
stating that no link occurs. Researchers determined that a significant
relation does exist between the blood levels of mercury and the
diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder.
10. A study published in theJournal of Child Neurology noted
that autistic spectrum disorders can be associated with mitochondrial
dysfunction. Researchers determined that children who have
mitochondrial-related dysfunctional cellular energy metabolism might be
more prone to undergo autistic regression between 18 and 30 months of
age if they also have infections or immunizations at the same time.
11. A study conducted by Massachusetts General Hospital at
the Centre for Morphometric Analysis by the department of Paediatric
Neurology illustrates how autistic brains have a growth spurt shortly
after birth and then slow in growth a few short years later. Researchers
have determined that neuroinflammation appears to be present in
autistic brain tissue from childhood through adulthood. The study
excerpt reads:
Oxidative stress, brain inflammation and microgliosis
have been much documented in association with toxic exposures including
various heavy metals. The awareness that the brain as well as medical
conditions of children with autism may be conditioned by chronic
biomedical abnormalities such as inflammation opens the possibility that
meaningful biomedical interventions may be possible well past the
window of maximal neuroplasticity in early childhood because the basis
for assuming that all deficits can be attributed to fixed early
developmental alterations in net.
12. A study conducted by the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Arkansas determined
that thimerosal-induced cytotoxicity was associated with the depletion
of intracellular glutathione (GSH) in both cell lines. The study
outlines how many vaccines have been neurotoxic, especially to the
developing brain. Depletion of GSH is commonly associated with autism.
Although thimerosal has been removed from most children’s vaccines, it
is still present in flu vaccines given to pregnant women, the elderly
and to children in developing countries.
In an age of technology, it's an easy thing to get caught up in the latest trend, and when the marketing of a trend happens to latch onto (teehee) a subject close to your heart, it's easier still to jump on the bandwagon.
Do we REALLY need Google Glasses to help breastfeeding mothers to nurse their babies? REALLY?
In a world that is already filled with camera phones, web cams and video conferencing, do we really need to add another piece of expensive technology to enable mothers to get the help they need? Or are we loosing track of the bigger picture: Helping mothers breastfeed through getting them real live help- through education and through re-educating the health system to SUPPORT breastfeeding mothers.
This is yet another ploy to distract people from the real problem by giving them a bandaid for a headache. It doesn't help.
....But it does sell Google Glasses, eh?
......... and Google Glasses are NOT just a cool (expensive) new toy...
Breastfeeding mothers get help from Google Glass and Small World
Lucy Battersby Julia Medew
5 mn to hypervisor data protection. Fast, Easy & Reliable. Free Trial
Sheila French using Google Glass to connect with a lactation consultant via Google Hangouts. Photo: Angela Wylie
New mothers struggling with breastfeeding may soon have the
latest technology at their disposal to get expert help at any time of
The Melbourne office of an innovation company called Small World is
about to conduct a Google Glass trial with the Australian Breastfeeding
Association that will effectively allow their telephone counsellors to
see through the eyes of mothers while they breastfeed at home.
The company is looking for 10 Victorian women expecting to give birth in
February who want to trial the high-tech glasses for six to eight weeks
to receive breastfeeding coaching. During that time, participants would
receive training through their glasses on the fundamentals of
breastfeeding. The gadget will display prompts, allowing mothers to keep
their hands free to nurse their baby.
If they need further help, they can video call at any time an ABA
breastfeeding consultant who will be able to see, through their Google
glasses, a live stream of their baby attaching and feeding.
Nicole Bridges, a spokeswoman for the ABA, said the group decided to
participate in the trial because they felt the technology could overcome
some of the barriers women face in getting useful advice when they need
it most.
She said although most Australian women started breastfeeding infants
soon after birth, many decided to stop about six to 12 weeks because of
difficulties. In many cases, this stemmed from women leaving hospital
before their milk came in, leaving them insufficiently advised about how
to prevent and overcome problems.
It is my hope that people have been taking note of the massive amount of information that has been going through the main stream media about the spying and theft of information by the NSA and various other government agencies (globally) for the last 8 months. This is not a "it's not going to happen to me" type problem... it IS happening to you!
The NSA has been caught red handed with collecting your private information, tapping your phone calls, reading your emails, and SELLING your information to FOREIGN corporations and governments. Their top three favorite venues to troll through are:
-Facebook -Skype -Google
And now Google has introduce the Google glass- a contraption that can record any conversation and video anything you do or see, and has the ability to interact with your Retinas.
Google patents 'pay-per-gaze' eye-tracking that could measure emotional response to real-world ads
Advertisers spend heaps
of cash on branding, bannering, and product-placing. But does anyone
really look at those ads? Google could be betting that advertisers will
pay to know whether consumers are actually looking at their billboards,
magazine spreads, and online ads. The company was just granted a patent
for "pay-per-gaze" advertising, which would employ a Google Glass-like
eye sensor in order to identify when consumers are looking at
advertisements in the real world and online.
From the patent application, which was filed in May 2011:
Pay per gaze advertising need not be limited to on-line
advertisements, but rather can be extended to conventional advertisement
media including billboards, magazines, newspapers, and other forms of
conventional print media. Thus, the gaze tracking system described
herein offers a mechanism to track and bill offline advertisements in
the manner similar to popular online advertisement schemes.
The idea is to measure how long
a person looks at an ad, as well as their emotional response as
indicated by pupil dilation. The company, by now very used to
allegations of privacy invasion, was careful to preempt the Big Brother
argument by noting that users can opt out of "pay-per-gaze" tracking and
data will be anonymized.
Sure.... Just like you can opt out of Facebook settings you don't like. .... and then facebook resets your settings when they "upgrade" and low and behold, you discover that your family photos are public viewing again and hell- even searchable through Google Images!!
The Real Privacy Implications of Google Glass
The real concern with Google Glass and privacy
doesn't have to do with surveillance or collection of personal data, but
with the way it will make us behave in the real world.
By Jared Newman @OneJaredNewman May 02, 2013
Dan Forbes for TIME
Over the last few weeks, Google has steadily been building hype around Google Glass. The search giant revealed tech specs, explained how the software works,
and has even let some of the tech press get their hands on the
“Explorer Edition” of the device, an early version that costs a cool
One thing Google hasn’t done is talk about the privacy implications
of Glass, which has a built-in camera that can sneakily take photos and
video at any time. It seems the company would rather let the debate play
out on its own.
I think this is a mistake on Google’s part, but I also think much of
the fearful prognosticating over Google Glass is misplaced. The real
concern with Google Glass and privacy doesn’t have to do with
surveillance or collection of personal data, but with the way it will
make us behave in the real world.
The Debate Thus Far
Google Glass supporters have a few standard lines of defense against
privacy critics. They claim that Glass isn’t much different than a
smartphone in terms of capabilities, that people will have common
decency about what to record, and that bystanders will learn to
recognize when they’re on camera.
Robert Scoble, arguably the biggest Glass advocate outside of Google, tries to swat down privacy complaints in a post on Google+:
They think we’re going to follow them into bathrooms and
record “their junk.” … If I wanted to do that I’d rather use my new
Android phone, which has a much better camera and, um, can be more
easily aimed without grabbing attention. The microphone on my iPhone is
better, too, and video is much sharper and isn’t quite as wide angle, so
I can see more details if I’m trying to be pervy anyway (which I’m
They think I’m going to walk by them recording everything they are saying. After getting [Glass] that’s laughable.
Scoble claims that the privacy concerns around Glass are overblown,
and in a way, he’s right. The vast majority of people aren’t perverts or
creeps, and wouldn’t use Glass as a force of evil. Besides, the real
stalkers already have better tools at their disposal.
But in making his defense, Scoble also touches on something more
subtle. Because Glass opens the possibility of surreptitious recording,
people will learn to put their guard up in the device’s presence. Ever
notice that people tweak their behavior when you train a camera on them?
Glass has the potential to make that feeling the norm.
Tim Stevens, in his review of the Glass Explorer Edition at Engadget, captures this notion perfectly:
The point can certainly be made that it’s possible to
take a picture or video of someone these days without their knowledge,
but the situation here is a bit reversed: nobody knows if you’re not
taking a picture or video of them. This will, at first, result in some
good-natured “Are you recording this?” comments in conversations but, as
time goes on, as a wearer, you’ll notice that people will be acting a
little more cautiously around you. (As an aside, they’ll also struggle
to maintain eye contact. One person told us that Glass looked like a
“third eye” that he couldn’t stop staring at.)
Google Glass may expose us to prying eyes, but that risk already
applies to existing technology, as Scoble pointed out. As for data
collection, Google already knows plenty about its users through Gmail,
Maps and Search. The only major new frontier for Glass is face
recognition, but it’s a stretch to assume that Glass would start
auto-tagging everyone it sees and building some secret mugshot database.
U.S. spy agencies were fantasizing about Google Glass four years before it was invented
Google Glass is still a long way from reaching ordinary consumers
like you and me. But the search company isn't the only one that's
dreamed of a future powered by augmented-reality vision. Turns out the
intelligence community was fantasizing about something called "iGlasses"
as early as 2008 — long before anyone had coined the word "Glasshole."....
Seriously? You know..... You'd think that after all the gazillion lawsuits and the email and letter and phone call marathons, and the bad press.... You really would think that these corporations would get the idea and maybe put out a huge warning to all of their outlets and stores and companies to NOT HARASS BREASTFEEDING MOTHERS AND BABIES!!!
No seriously.... is the lesson that terribly difficult to comprehend?
...... And it's a freakin Lingerie Store with their walls plastered with photos of half nude women in sexy undies and lacy bras!!!
'Go in an Alley': Mom Denied Right to Breastfeed at Victoria’s Secret
A Texas mother was denied the right to breastfeed at a Victoria’s
Secret, being told instead to go nurse her son in an alley outside.
After spending $150 at Victoria’s Secret, Ashley Clawson says she asked
a store employee if she could nurse her son in one of the fitting
rooms. Clawson says the employee said no and then told her she could
nurse him in an alleyway outside.
Under Texas law, mothers are entitled to breastfeed their children anywhere that women are authorized to be.
The store manager apologized and offered to send Clawson a $150 gift certificate.
I have never breastfed in a bathroom (except in my own bathroom at home in my own tub!).... never ever!
And on a similar topic, I've always loved Pink's music, but when one of your fav singers also turns out to be a no nonsense, outspoken breastfeeding advocate....LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!
Go Breastfeed in the Bathroom? Thanks, But No Thanks.
Posted: 01/14/2014 8:49 am
It wasn't my original intention to photograph hundreds of
breastfeeding women. But when you have brave and bare women with babies
or toddlers who breastfeed, the children naturally, innocently and
beautifully begin to, gasp! Breastfeed! So as our dear friend
serendipity would have it, I found myself photographing those special
connections more and more frequently, even though my initial passion was
documenting the beautiful bodies of all mothers willing to share their bodies' stories.
Now, you may be asking yourself, given my body of work, "Why is she
mentioning this?" And most people who know me know that I grew up in a
very, if one needed a label, "hippie" family. And yet. And yet it
wasn't until I was 20, living in Taos, New Mexico, that I witnessed my
own discomfort with someone breastfeeding. She was my best friend and
one day she casually started breastfeeding right in front me. I feigned
comfort, but truthfully, I felt really incredibly awkward. I didn't
grow up around a whole lot of babies, and the small village in Mexico
where I spent my childhood was very Catholic and I mostly remembered
babies being bottle-fed...
I can't say that, in the 14 years since then, much had changed:
sightings of women breastfeeding were few and far between in my life.
Fast forward to the present and the birth of my son in 2012. My
husband and I really wanted to live our "normal" life with our baby.
That is, we took him to the dance classes I teach; we took him to brunch
with us; we traveled to visit family on the East Coast and beyond. But
to do all those things with a baby that you breastfeed, I realized I was
going to have to whip my breasts out in public -- or be sequestered to
some dingy bathroom stall or, worse, a closet? I was petrified. My
husband would watch me try to conceal my anxiety as I wrestled with the
cover to hide my baby and my breast. I retreated to the restroom many
times. And then... And then I got over it.
I got over being petrified at offending someone so I could feed my
baby. I got over not wanting to photograph myself breastfeeding. I got
over needing to feel shameful for what I needed to do. It's not that I
just started ripping my shirt off, tossing it aside in a dramatic
gesture of rebellion and feeding topless at the B Line restaurant on 4th
Ave. But I stopped having anxiety attacks and wrestling with the
"cover." I wore loose shirts that made it easy to conceal my breast and
suddenly living an ordinary life with a newborn became So. Much.
And then I realized how darn BEAUTIFUL breastfeeding is. Now I cannot photograph enough women breastfeeding. I am crazy for it.
The truth of the matter is NOBODY should feel shameful for feeding
her baby. AND, dare I say, it is also OK to feel beautiful and
breastfeed at the same time.
Recently I received this comment from a woman on my Facebook page:
"How many times are you going to post this photo of yourself
breastfeeding in headstand captioned 'why do people find this photo
offensive' just to get attention? We get it Jade, you breastfeed your
son and you love photographing women breastfeeding. I breastfed too, but
I didn't need to show the world. Plus I moved on with my life. Get
over yourself!"
Let me give you some background on myself: My zodiac sign is Cancer.
If you know anything about astrology you know we Cancers are the über
sensitive crybabies of all sun signs. I am a sensitive gal and for the
past 19 months I have been operating on about three hours of sleep a
night and one too many cups of coffee so not taking things personally is
a practice I have not yet mastered.
But here is a secret I have discovered with these sorts of
interactions: such comments that initially make me withdraw into my
Cancerian self and cry tears of self-pity now actually lead to deeper
passion and a further commitment to being clear and compassionate,
through both my ways of communicating with people I see everyday and my
work to empower women to feel awesome, just as they are. I want to hear
what everyone has to say, even when the words sting. I have a choice:
To be offended and defend myself, which gets me nowhere, or to listen
with respect and put myself into another's shoes for a moment.
And then move on.
To the woman who left that comment, I agree: I may need to get over
myself in some if not many regards. But photographing and celebrating
breastfeeding of both others and myself for the few more months I have
left feeding my son this way is not one of the things I need to get
over. But thank you for taking the time to comment anyway. It means that
somehow, you do care, which to me, IS beautiful.
May we honor our differences of opinions by being mindful with our
words and may we always remember how to model respect, especially
towards one another, as sisters, who no longer need to feel shameful for
being women. Our children are watching. They do what we do... Let's be
the beauty we wish to see in the world.
Continue reading HERE to view the fantastic and gorgeous photos