Thursday, September 9, 2010

Immunization Graphs: Vaccine effectiveness & dangers

Immunization Graphs: Vaccine Effectiveness and Dangers

I posted this link earlier this week and then somehow the link broke.  After much searching (and cursing) I managed to find the Link again.

This information is vitally important for every parent to read and research before making the choices of whether or not to vaccinate their child/ren.   WE continuously hear from vaccine pushers that vaccines are the be all and end all of protecting health.  That the vaccines are directly responsible for lowering the incidents of infection and the deaths that these infections caused. If you review the data in these graphs, which all the information gathered is from approved, well regarded professional medical associations, you will see that the incidents of these diseases had already dropped radically before the introduction of each vaccine.  What does this prove?  That vaccines have not done the "wonderful" jobs that Big Pharma and the governments say they do.  Further, graphs twenty-five  through thirty five  graphically illustrate that increases in the number of governmental mandated vaccine doses correlates with significant increases in death rates for children under the age of five; and that the practice is linked to sudden infant death syndrome; various degenerative diseases, including diabetes; and appears to cause general immune system impairment in infants and children. Evidence also points to the practice of immunization as a principal factor in the recent massive increases in neurodegenerative conditions such as autism in children.

Please take the time to review the information in these graphs and share widely.  Parents need to be made aware of the truth and risks of childhood immunizations.

Unfortunately, due the original document being a PDF I am unable to copy & paste the graphs here, but please click on the link below to view all the graphs.

Immunization Graphs: Natural Infectious Disease Declines; Immunization Effectiveness; and Immunization Dangers