Friday, June 25, 2010

Sleeping with your baby is sooooooo dangerous...

.... and of course the fact that they've just recalled 2 million cribs (Bringing the total in the past 5 years to 9 MILLION cribs recalled due to entrapment issues that have lead to serious injuries and death!!) doesn't mean anything, right?  And it's not just Drop Sided Cribs that have been recalled- there have been several stationary  cribs recalled too!

More than 2 million cribs from Evenflo, Delta Enterprise Corp. and five other companies were recalled Thursday amid concerns that babies can suffocate, become trapped or fall from the cribs.
Most of the cribs were drop-sides, which have a side rail that moves up and down so parents can lift children from them more easily. That movable side, however, can malfunction or detach from the crib, creating a dangerous gap where babies' heads can become trapped, leading to suffocation or strangulation...
No deaths were linked to the recalled cribs, but there were more than 250 reports of drop-sides detaching or failing and at least 16 entrapments of infants. In one case, a child was found unconscious and later hospitalized.
In the announcement from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, all seven companies recalled drop-side cribs. Delta and Child Craft also acknowledged problems with fixed-side cribs.
Drop-sides have increasingly come under scrutiny, with several warnings from the CPSC in the last year that the cribs can be deadly. CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum has pledged to ban their manufacture and sale by year's end.

...Ban the manufacture and sale by YEAR'S END?!?  WTF?!  32 confirmed Deaths due to these cribs, with 14 death still unconfirmed, and 16 entrapments- Don't you think they have enough proof to ban the stupid things RIGHT NOW!!!  What about the parents that are going out to purchase one this weekend? or next month?  What if they haven't read the consumer reports about the dangers of these cribs? WHY are they on the market at all?

No thanx.  I'm quite happy to sleep with my baby snuggled up next to me and my husband in our king size bed.  Co-Sleeping and family bed's are safer than cribs when you follow the the safety rules and inform yourselves about the facts