Monday, March 29, 2010

INTACT America- Say NO To Circumcision!!!

Intact America

March 2010


No professional medical association in the world has ever recommended infant circumcision.
But the Centers for Disease Control is still considering recommending routine circumcision 
of all infant boys – and they may be doing this very soon.

More than 20,000 intactivists have already added their names to our petition urging 

the CDC not to endanger our baby boys. Now we're just 3,152 signatures shy of
our 25,000-signature goal!

Our plan is to deliver the petitions to the CDC in April to make sure they hear our

message. Will you help us reach 25,000 signatures by March 31? 
Tell your friends, and be sure to share the campaign on Twitter or Facebook.

Take Action!


AMSA Earlier this month, Intact America attended the American 
Medical Student Association's annual conference in California, 
educating future physicians about the risks, harms, and 
ethics of infant circumcision. We received a lot of positive
 feedback – Read the full report here >>

Intact America's Executive Director, Georganne Chapin, and several other 
intactivists testified before the Massachusetts State Legislature in support
of the Male Genital Mutilation Bill. While the Bill was voted down, it was an
incredibly important step in bringing this issue to the public eye – so much 
so that Georganne was interviewed on Fox News! Watch the 
Fox news clip here and read Georganne's testimony here >>

March 26 marks the 17th anniversary of Genital Integrity Awareness Week. 
During the week, activists in favor of ending infant circumcision will gather 
each day on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC to show
their support for bringing an end to infant circumcision in this country. 
Learn more here >>


Thanks to supporters like you, we raised more than $10,000 to support our
recent presence at the American Medical Student Association's conference 
in California! The dedicated activists who manned our booth at the conference 
reported that our presence was a success and that "the [medical] students 
were amazingly receptive to our message."

After interacting with roughly a quarter of the attending students at the 

conference, speaking with them personally, challenging misperceptions, 
and raising awareness about the risks and ethics of infant circumcision, 
we are reminded once again just how important reaching these audiences 
is to our cause.

Can we count on your financial support to help us make more outreach 

efforts like this possible?



...there is NO conclusive link between circumcision and better health? 
In fact, performing medically unnecessary surgery on a baby boy's 
genitals creates immediate and otherwise completely avoidable health risks. 
Circumcision-related risks include infection, hemorrhage, scarring, loss of 
part or all of the penis, and even death. These dangers exist in even the 
best clinical settings. Find out more about the risks and harms of circumcision
by reading The Facts Behind Circumcision.