Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Helena Bonham Carter on breastfeeding

Yet another great story of a famous mom who believes in full term breastfeeding!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Nell Burton!

Happy 2nd Birthday Nell Burton!

Name: Nell Burton

Date of Birth: December 15, 2007

Parents: Helena Bonham Carter & Tim Burton

Siblings: Billy Raymond (10/03)

- Nell's name wasn't revealed until 8-months after her birth & was at one point thought to be named Indiana Rose
- Helena chose to name her daughter Nell after all of the "Helens" in her family lineage

Quote from Parent:
"People say, `You're still breast-feeding, that's so generous.' Generous, no! It gives me boobs and it takes my thighs away! It's sort of like natural liposuction. I'd carry on breast-feeding for the rest of my life if I could." - Helena, on breastfeeding her children.

HERE for the original article