Saturday, December 5, 2009

"The Babies are Coming!!"

Today I'm not feeling very....writer-like, nor verbally creative. So, I'm going to cop out and send you to my friends blog to hear about this fantastic new movie. She has written everything I would say if I had even one drop of mental energy today, and probably said it more eloquently and succinctly than I could manage on a good day. AND.... she knows how to embed a copy of the YouTube video right into her blog... that will save us all time and energy ;>)

I will say that I'm really looking forward to this movie when it's released in April 2010. I think it will give us a very formative look at the vast differences in parenting and cultures and their effect on the 4 babies that this film will follow for 12 months.

Enjoy the film preview!!

HERE to watch the preview of the film "Babies' and to read Peaceful Parentings blog about the film