Children are noisy, creative, imaginative, energetic, fun loving, little people. THAT IS CHILDHOOD.
ADHD? Children = fun, "hyper"= energetic, "attention deficit" = is the fact that childrens minds are mobile, creative, imaginative, active.

No Child Left Unmedicated
The pharmaceutical industry has completely taken over the treatment of medical and psychiatric treat,emt. Everything, and I am mean everything is geared towards getting every American on medication and keeping them on medication for the rest of their lives. There is no more vulnerable population, to this medical tyranny, than our children.

Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (lol)
This is a remarkably ridiculous name for an even more ludicrous diagnosis. The main characteristics of SLT are vaguely described but include some combination of daydreaming, lethargy and slow mental processing, you know, like we do when we watch television.
The advocates of this diagnosis contend that SCT afflicts about two million children. And that great pharmaceutical whore, Eli Lilly, is waiting in the wings preparing to medicate the developing and highly vulnerable brains of these two million children with the latest in dangerous and mind-destroying psychotropic medications which will leave the user with a brain damaged future and a medical treatment history which will render many of these children with an uninsurable medical insurance future.
The Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology has sold its professional soul and its professional ethics to Big Pharma as it is seriously promoting this voodoo form of diagnostics. The latest issue of their publication donates a record 136 pages to the topic of SLT. And where do we find children with SLT? Probably standing next to the adults who have Restless Leg Syndrome.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-Edition IV & V
DSM is the Bible of mental illnesses. The book serves a training guide for graduate and the PhD students as well as serving as a professional guide for treatment intervention amongst mental health practitioners.
By the time a child is 21 years of age, under DSM -IV guidelines, 80% of all young adults qualify to be diagnosed as mentally ill and, as such, are subject to being medicated.
The newest version of DSM has made this problem far worse. Normal temper tantrums have been turned into a diagnosable and pharmacologically treatable illness called ‘Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder”. Normal adolescent rebellion is now being labeled as “Oppositional Defiant Disorder”. Normal childhood restlessness is now diagnosed as “ADHD” in children as early as two years of age. Childhood Autism and childhood Bipolar Disorder are pharmaceutical goldmines and have increased forty fold in the last 20 years
The ADHD Scam
More than 10,000 American toddlers 2 or 3 years old are being medicated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder outside established pediatric guidelines and professional medical practices, according to data recently presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
According to the CDC, 11% of the country’s children are diagnosed with ADHD. This is ludicrous and is just not possible. These children have ADHD according to whom? The answer to this question consists of two parts. First, Big Pharma is using its influence to “push” the diagnostic criteria in the direction of many more positive diagnoses. More diagnoses means more profit-making pill pushing. Second, there is no illness, with these kinds of unsustainable rates of diagnosis that could impact the population to this degree. If there really were an 11% rate of autism in this country, we would be forced to change what is considered to be normal behavior since most mental illness models are loosely based upon a bell curve distribution. Therefore, just based on the surface evidence, these diagnostic rates cannot justified.
If these medications are dangerous for children, we would not know because very few scientific studies have examined the use of ADHD stimulant medications in young children. A widely referenced 2006 study found that the ADHD medication, methylphenidate, could “somewhat” mitigate ADHD like symptoms in preschoolers. However, the study’s conclusions were based on researched derived from insufficiently sized researched groups. Only about a dozen 3-year-olds were included in the study, and there were no 2-year-olds, yet we continue to medicate these young vulnerable minds. Most researchers on that study, sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, have significant financial ties to pharmaceutical companies that made ADHD medications.
A multitude of studies indicates that children who are prescribed psychotropic drugs are much more likely to become drug addicts as adults.
Parents Are the First Line of Defense
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Parents: Get the Facts—Know Your Rights

In the U.S. alone, nearly 9 million children are currently being prescribed psychiatric drugs—more than 1 million are under the age of five. Click image for complete breakdown
About ‘ADHD’ & Child Mental Disorders:
“Virtually anyone at any given time can meet the criteria for bipolar disorder or ADHD. Anyone. And the problem is everyone diagnosed with even one of these ‘illnesses’ triggers the pill dispenser.” — Dr. Stefan Kruszewski, Psychiatrist
Parents are quite simply not being given accurate information about psychiatric labels (mental disorders) or the drugs being prescribed to ‘treat’ their children. In the U.S. alone, 10 million children are currently being prescribed psychiatric drugs—more than 1 million are under the age of five (source: IMS health). :
These are the actual figures taken from IMS (to see breakdown on whatdrugs these children were prescribed click here.
Children on psychiatric drugs in the United States
0-1 Years 274,804
2-3 Years 370,778
4-5 Years 500,948
2-3 Years 370,778
4-5 Years 500,948
6-12 Years 4,130,340
13-17 Years 3,617,593
13-17 Years 3,617,593
This is fact: There are no medical tests in existence that can prove ADHD or any other mental disorder these children are being diagnosed and drugged for is a physical abnormality, brain dysfunction, chemical imbalance or genetic abnormality. Period. Even the National Institute of Health Consensus (NIH) issued a statement admitting, “We do not have an independent, valid test for ADHD, and there is no data to indicate that ADHD is due to a brain malfunction.”......
Common Psychiatric Drugs Being Given to Children Are Documented by International Drug Regulatory Agencies to Cause Heart Attack, Stroke, Diabetes, Hallucinations, Violence, Mania, Homicide, Aggression, Depression, Suicide and Death
This is not opinion. This is documented fact by international drug regulatory agencies. Parents are quite simply not given the documented facts about the psychiatric drugs prescribed for their children, yet it is their right to have full information about any drugs being prescribed their child. ADHD drugs, Antidepressants, Antipsychoticsand Anti-Anxiety Drugs given to children, have been documented by hundreds of drug regulatory agencies to have severe and life-threatening side effects. Children are commonly prescribed drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall,Concerta, Paxil, Prozac, Celexa, Zoloft, Luvox, Risperdal, Seroquel and parents are not given any warning on the known dangers of these drugs. It is for this reason that CCHR created a simple, easy to understand search engine on psychiatric drugs which provides documented side effects, drug warnings, studies and adverse reaction reports filed with the FDA in a simplified format.
Contrary to Popular Belief—The Doctor Doesn’t Always Know Best
The child drugging epidemic that has resulted in infants, toddlers, foster children, and a total of 20 million children on psychiatric drugs rests on one fraudulent premise; that mental disorders are biological “diseases” therefore justifying the administration of mind-altering drugs. The falsity of this premise is easily established by the fact that there is not one medical or scientific test that can prove any child has a mental disorder. Not one. Behaviors are not diseases and drugs are notmedication. This isn’t to say that children don’t have emotional or behavioral problems, it is saying that without evidence of disease—a physical disease—children are simply being drugged to change their behavior. Psychiatrists know this—they admit this, their own literature admits as much. But they like to keep these facts to themselves. For more information on psychiatric diagnosis, click here.
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